#!/usr/bin/env bash # Export Variables so they can be picked up by envsubst set -ae TEMPLATE_SRC=$1; DOCKER_DATA=$2; NETWORK_NAME="${NETWORK_NAME:-proxy}" # "NetworkSettings" # Import Template # Required Variables: # - TEMPLATE :: The template string which will be read by envsubst # Optional Variables: # - WRAP_START :: String to prepend in front of the mapped template result # - WRAP_END :: String to append to the mapped template result # - SEPARATOR :: String/Charater to separate TEMPLATE lines (DEFAULT: \n) # - OUT :: if set the result will be written to $OUT instead of stdout # Optional Functions: # - label_hook :: modify/override label query results # - template_hook :: hook to verify/modify template rsults (0 => OK; 1 => SKIP) if [ -f "${TEMPLATE_SRC}" ] then source "${TEMPLATE_SRC}" if [ -z "${TEMPLATE}" ] then echo "[ERR]: Template \"${TEMPLATE_SRC}\" does define a template string." exit 1 fi else echo "[ERR]: No such File \"${TEMPLATE_SRC}\"."; exit 1 fi # Check Hooks if type label_hook 2>/dev/null | grep -q "label_hook is a function" then RUN_LABEL_HOOK=true else RUN_LABEL_HOOK=false fi if type template_hook 2>/dev/null | grep -q "template_hook is a function" then RUN_TEMPLATE_HOOK=true else RUN_TEMPLATE_HOOK=false fi if [ -z "${SEPARATOR+.}" ] then SEPARATOR='\n' fi for row in $(jq -r '.[] | @base64' <<< "${DOCKER_DATA}") do CONTAINER_DATA=$(base64 --decode <<< "${row}"); # Set non Label values if [ -z "${LOCAL_IP}" ] then LOCAL_IP=$(jq -r '.NetworkSettings.Networks | if has($ENV.NETWORK_NAME) then .[$ENV.NETWORK_NAME].IPAddress else first(.[].IPAddress) end' <<< "${CONTAINER_DATA}"); fi # export LOCAL_IP # Read Label values CONTAINER_LABELS=$(jq '.Labels' <<< "${CONTAINER_DATA}"); for var in $(envsubst -v "${TEMPLATE}") do if [ -z "${!var}" ] then VAR_LABEL=$(tr '[:upper:]_' '[:lower:].' <<< "${var}") LABEL_VAL=$(jq --arg KEY "${VAR_LABEL}" -r 'if has($KEY) then .[$KEY] else "" end' <<< "${CONTAINER_LABELS}") if [ -n "${LABEL_VAL}" ] then declare "${var}"="${LABEL_VAL}"; fi fi done if ${RUN_LABEL_HOOK} then label_hook fi PARTIAL_RESULT="$(envsubst <<< "${TEMPLATE}")"; # Verify template result if check_template is defined if ${RUN_TEMPLATE_HOOK} then if template_hook then # FIX with printf RESULT+="${PARTIAL_RESULT}" fi else RESULT=$(printf '%s' "${RESULT}" "${RESULT:+$SEPARATOR}" "${PARTIAL_RESULT}") fi # Unset label-environment variables for next container for var in $(envsubst -v "${TEMPLATE}") do if [ "${var}" != "LOCAL_IP" ] then unset "${!var}" fi done done RESULT="${WRAP_START}${RESULT}${WRAP_END}" if [ -z "${OUT}" ] then printf "%b\n" "${RESULT}"; else if ! diff --brief "${OUT}" - > /dev/null 2>&1 <<< "${RESULT}" then printf "Template Task: '%s' has been written to: '%s'\n" "${TEMPLATE_SRC}" "${OUT}" printf "%b\n" "${RESULT}" > "${OUT}"; fi fi