NixOS-speak === ## Aims NixOS as of now is [not accessible to blind people](, this projects aim is to mend this issue. ## Getting Started ### Getting the installation image As of now an existing installation of Nix is needed (see [Installing a Binary Distribution]( If there are enough people interested I may end up providing pre-built images. After installing nix just clone this repo and run ```nix nix-build release.nix -A image. ``` The currently available targets are: - minimal - mate ### Integrate this module into your existing NixOS configuration Installing the speak submodule is as simple as adding: ```nix { config, ... }: { imports = [ (fetchTarball ]; config.speak = { enable = true; config.speakup = { synth = "soft"; key_echo = "0"; punc_level = "0"; reading_punc = "0"; soft = { rate = "7"; vol = "0"; }; }; }; } ``` to your configuration. ## Status/Progress Current Feature Progress (more will be added later): - TTY - ✓ espeak - ✓ espeakup - Desktop - ❌ orca - ❌ speechd