Clean up emacs base file.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 86 deletions
@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ let
fn = import (toString ../fn.nix) { inherit lib; };
modefiles = fn.lst { p = (toString ./emacs); b = true; };
in rec {
# nixpkgs.overlays = [
# (import (builtins.fetchTarball {
# url =;
# }))
# ];
imports = [
] ++ modefiles;
@ -160,85 +155,4 @@ in rec {
(define-key global-map [remap kill-whole-line] 'delete-whole-line)
# machine.pkgsets.emacs.pkgwrap = [(gitpkgs.pkgs.emacsWithPackages (ps: with ps; config.machine.pkgsets.emacs.pkgs))];
# (pkgs.emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage {
# # config = (concatStringsSep "\n" machine.pkgsets.emacs.config);
# config = ''
# # (package-initialize)
# # (org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/")
# '';
# package = pkgs.emacsGit;
# extraEmacsPackages = (ep: with ep; config.machine.pkgsets.emacs.pkgs);
# })
# ];
# machine.pkgsets.emacs.pkgs = with pkgs; with pkgs.emacsPackages; [
# /* Theming */
# solarized-theme color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow moe-theme powerline moody minions
# /*General Stuff */
# rainbow-delimiters # color parenthesis by indentation
# color-identifiers-mode
# /* Python */
# company-jedi pylint elpy flycheck-mypy
# /* Git support */
# magit
# emms # multimedia support
# wsd-mode
# plantuml-mode
# /* Other Stuff, not yet sorted */
# mu4e-alert
# google-translate
# tramp
# transmission
# org-plus-contrib orgit ox-gfm ox-rst
# easy-jekyll markdown-mode impatient-mode simple-httpd htmlize
# eclim
# auto-complete
# pkgs.aspell pkgs.aspellDicts.en
# use-package diminish bind-key
# smartparens
# evil-surround evil-indent-textobject evil-cleverparens avy undo-tree
# cdlatex # for math expressions
# helm
# /* LaTeX */ auctex helm-bibtex cdlatex
# markdown-mode
# flycheck
# pkgs.ledger
# yaml-mode
# company
# # Irony is currently broken.
# /* C/C++ */ irony company-irony company-irony-c-headers flycheck-irony clang-format pkgs.clang-tools
# /* Haskell */ haskell-mode flycheck-haskell
# /* Org */ org org-ref pdf-tools org-bullets org-caldav
# /* Rust */ rust-mode flycheck-rust racer
# /* mail */ messages-are-flowing
# /* Nix */ nix-buffer nix-mode nixos-options company-nixos-options nix-sandbox
# paganini-theme
# json-navigator
# spaceline # modeline beautification
# winum eyebrowse # window management
# auto-compile
# /* Maxima */ pkgs.maxima
# visual-fill-column
# web-mode
# melpaStablePackages.idris-mode helm-idris
# /* Java */
# # projectile yasnippet lsp-mode hydra company-lsp lsp-ui lsp-java dap-mode
# cl-lib meghanada autodisass-java-bytecode google-c-style realgud
# weechat
# ];
Add table
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