{ lib, ... }: with builtins; with lib; let fn = import ./fn.nix { inherit lib; }; # Cannot use here as those evaluations only work with existing paths >.< # hostName and secretPtah can be set with -I hostName=$HOSTNAME and -I secretPath=$SECRETPATH respectively # , defaults to the contents of /secret/hostName secretPath = fn.ifelse ((tryEval ).value != false) /secret; hostName = (findFirst (elem: elem.prefix == "hostName") { path = (fileContents "${secretPath}/hostName"); } nixPath ).path; machinePath = (builtins.toPath ( ./machines + ("/" + hostName))); machineFiles = fn.lst { p = machinePath; b = true; }; configFiles = fn.lst { p = (toString ./config); b = true; }; pkgsFiles = fn.lst { p = (toString ./pkgs); b = true; }; serviceFiles = fn.lst { p = (toString ./services); b = true; }; in { imports = [ ./options/machine.nix ./services/mailserver/default.nix ] ++ machineFiles ++ configFiles ++ pkgsFiles ++ serviceFiles; }