# Programms I'm likely to want on every machine and/or may execute as root { config, pkgs, ... }: { config.machine.pkgsets.base.pkgs = with pkgs; [ bat ccze cryptsetup dhcpcd dnsutils exa finger_bsd gitFull gnupg gptfdisk haskellPackages.nix-derivation home-manager htop hwinfo indent iptables jp lshw lsof mkpasswd netcat nix-diff nix-index nix-plugins nix-prefetch-git nix-serve nix-update-source nix-zsh-completions nixbang nmap nox ntfs3g oh-my-zsh openssl parted pciutils psmisc ripgrep rsync sysvtools tealdeer inetutils traceroute tree utillinux vim wget whois wirelesstools wpa_supplicant zip unzipNLS zlib zsh ]; }