{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./mailserver/default.nix ]; mailserver = rec { enable = true; fqdn = "mail.ophanim.de"; domains = [ "ophanim.de" ]; loginAccounts = { "derped@ophanim.de" = { hashedPassword = (builtins.replaceStrings ["\n"] [""] (builtins.readFile /secret/derped.mail)); }; }; # Use Let's Encrypt certificates. Note that this needs to set up a stripped # down nginx and opens port 80. certificateScheme = 1; certificateFile = "/var/lib/acme/" + fqdn + "/fullchain.pem"; keyFile = "/var/lib/acme/" + fqdn + "/key.pem"; #dhParamBitLength = 4096; # this doesn't exist??? # Enable IMAP and POP3 enableImap = true; enablePop3 = true; enableImapSsl = true; enablePop3Ssl = true; # Enable the ManageSieve protocol enableManageSieve = true; # whether to scan inbound emails for viruses (note that this requires at least # 1 Gb RAM for the server. Without virus scanning 256 MB RAM should be plenty) virusScanning = false; }; }