{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: with lib; mkIf (elem "fonts" config.machine.conffiles) { fonts = { fontDir.enable = true; enableGhostscriptFonts = true; fontconfig = { enable = true; # deprecated (will eventually be completely removed) # ultimate.enable = true; includeUserConf = false; }; packages = with pkgs; [ arphic-ukai arphic-uming crimson corefonts # Microsoft free fonts dejavu_fonts font-awesome inconsolata # monospaced inter manrope montserrat nerdfonts noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra powerline-fonts source-han-sans-japanese source-han-sans-korean source-han-sans-simplified-chinese source-han-sans-traditional-chinese # source-sans-pro symbola ubuntu_font_family wqy_microhei wqy_zenhei ]; }; }