2019-10-07 03:23:00 +02:00

64 lines
2 KiB

{ config, lib, ... }:
# hydra user needs to be manually crated
# sudo -u hydra -s
# hydra-create-user $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD --role admin
# also for reference a well written hydra config:
with lib;
mkIf (elem "hydra" {
# also take a look at ../conf/nix.nix
nix.buildMachines = [
hostName = "localhost";
system = "x86_64-linux";
supportedFeatures = ["kvm" "nixos-test" "big-parallel" "benchmark"];
maxJobs = 8;
services = let
cfg = config.machine;
domain = (findFirst (s: s.service == "hydra") cfg cfg.vHosts).domain;
in {
hydra = {
enable = true;
hydraURL = domain; # externally visible URL
listenHost = "localhost";
port = 3001;
minimumDiskFree = 15;
minimumDiskFreeEvaluator = 15;
notificationSender = "hydra@mail.${cfg.domain}"; # e-mail of hydra service
useSubstitutes = true;
debugServer = false;
# Hints from hydra-queue-runner:
# binary_cache_dir is deprecated and ignored. use store_uri=file:// instead
# hydra.conf: binary_cache_secret_key_file is deprecated and ignored. use store_uri=...?secret-key= instead
extraConfig = ''
max_output_size = 4294967296
store_uri = file:///var/cache/hydra?secret-key=${cfg.secretPath}/hydra_cache&write-nar-listing=1&ls-compression=br&log-compression=br
# add ?local-nar-cache= to set nar cache location
server_store_uri = https://cache.${cfg.domain}
binary_cache_public_uri https://cache.${cfg.domain}
upload_logs_to_binary_cache = true
nix-serve = {
enable = true;
bindAddress = "";
port = 5000;
secretKeyFile = "${cfg.secretPath}/hydra_cache";
extraParams = ''
# Dont know how to change the store root yet...
# --user hydra-queue-runner
# --group hydra