#!/usr/bin/env python3 from enum import IntEnum, unique from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict # IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT IMPORT THE ev3dev.ev3 MODULE IN THIS FILE @unique class Direction(IntEnum): """ Directions in degrees """ NORTH = 0 EAST = 90 SOUTH = 180 WEST = 270 # simple alias, no magic here Weight = int """ Weight of a given path (received from the server) value: -1 if broken path >0 for all other paths never 0 """ ''' https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0289/ Node checking examples: ((0,0),Direction.NORTH) in planetmap[0] Simplify this for node search: next(x for (x, y), direction in planetmap[0]) next(y for x, y in planetmap[0] if x == (0, 0)) planetmap[0][next((x, y) for x, y in planetmap[0] if y == 'North')] formatting example of bidirectional map: { (0, 0): { : ((0, 0), , 1), : ((0, 0), , 1), : ((0, 1), , 2) }, (0, 1): { : ((0, 0), , 2) } } ''' # Contains the representation of the map and provides certain functions to manipulate it according to the specifications class Planet: def __init__(self): """ Initializes the data structure """ self._planetmap = {} self._unexedge = [] self._curnode = None self._curdir = Direction.NORTH self.target = None # Adds a bidirectional path defined between the start and end coordinates to the map and assigns the weight to it. def add_path(self, start: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Direction], target: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Direction], weight: int): if(start[0] not in self._planetmap): self._planetmap[start[0]] = {} if(start[1] not in self._planetmap[start[0]]): self._planetmap[start[0]][start[1]] = (target[0], target[1], weight) if(target[0] not in self._planetmap): self._planetmap[target[0]] = {} if(target[1] not in self._planetmap[target[0]]): self._planetmap[target[0]][target[1]] = (start[0], start[1], weight) def get_paths(self) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], Dict[Direction, Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Direction, Weight]]]: return self._planetmap def setcurnode(self, node): self._curnode = node def getcurnode(self): return self._curnode def getcurdir(self): return self._curdir def addtounexedge(self, node_edge_list): self._unexedge = self._unexedge + node_edge_list def exploreedge(self, node_edge): self._unexedge.remove(node_edge) ''' Returns a shortest path between two nodes. Used Algorithm: Dijkstra's Algorithm Have a look at heapqueue: https://docs.python.org/2/library/heapq.html Formatting: List = [(total_len, (current_node, [((node), Direction)]))] ''' def shortest_path(self, start: Tuple[int, int], target: Tuple[int, int]) -> Optional[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Direction]]]: if((start in self._planetmap) and (target in self._planetmap)): self.path_found = [] self.path_search = [(0, (start, []))] while True: for srcdir, (destnode, destdir, weight) in self._planetmap[self.path_search[0][1][0]].items(): if(destnode not in self.path_found and weight > 0): # check if in shortest_found for x, (s_node, s_pathlist) in self.path_search: if (destnode == s_node and self.path_search[0][0] + weight < x): self.path_search.remove((x, (s_node, s_pathlist))) if(s_weight for s_weight, (s_node, s_pathlist) in self.path_search if s_node == destnode): self.path_search.append((self.path_search[0][0]+weight, (destnode, self.path_search[0][1][1] + [(self.path_search[0][1][0], srcdir)]))) self.path_found.append(self.path_search[0][1][0]) self.path_search.pop(0) if(self.path_search == []): # if map is empty print("Destination is not reachable from start.") break self.path_search.sort() if(self.path_search[0][1][0] == target): return self.path_search[0][1][1] else: print("Cannot calculate shortest Path. Start or target is not in known.")