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Dane Williams 2020-03-15 16:54:25 -07:00
commit 4595722b7c

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@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
# tmux-dracula
Color scheme for tmux inspired by the popular Dracula theme
## Features
Day, date, time, timezone
Current location based on network with temperature and forecast icon (if available)
Network connection status and SSID
Battery percentage and AC power connection status
Color code based on if prefix is active or not
List of windows with current window highlighted
Day, date, time, timezone
Current location based on network with temperature and forecast icon (if available)
Network connection status and SSID
Battery percentage and AC power connection status
Color code based on if prefix is active or not
List of windows with current window highlighted
## Screenshots
![Alt text](screenshots/tmux-dracula-screenshot.jpg?raw=true "Tmux Dracula")
## Installation
Use TPM (tmux plugin manager) and add to your .tmux.conf:
`set -g @plugin 'danerwilliams/tmux-dracula'`
Be sure that `run -b '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'` is at the bottom of .tmux.config for tpm to work
Restart tmux and then use `prefix + I` (capital I as in Install) to install
Use TPM (tmux plugin manager) and add to your .tmux.conf:
`set -g @plugin 'danerwilliams/tmux-dracula'`
Be sure that `run -b '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'` is at the bottom of .tmux.config for tpm to work
Restart tmux and then use `prefix + I` (capital I as in Install) to install
## Troubleshooting
Some users have experienced issues where the weather does not load immediately. This can be solved by manually running dracula.tmux:
Some users have experienced issues where the weather does not load immediately. This can be solved by manually running dracula.tmux: