Fix multi word fixed location

If you set the @dracula-fixed-location to "San Diego, California" it
ends up looking at "San" which is somewhere in South Korea. This occurs
for any fixed-location that has a space. Something like
"Portland, Oregon" can be modified to "Portland,Oregon" and still work
but we can't remove the space from "San Diego". The reason that spaces
in the fixed location break the backend request is that loses
everything after the space.

Q: Why does the fixed-location end up as "San"?
A: In the fixed-location is not wrapped in quotes when
embedded in the status-right string.

A: In the call to does not wrap the
fixed-location argument with quotes.

Q: When these are fixed why do we get a broken link?
A: Since we are calling a web service using a url, we need to escape
the spaces by changing them to %20
This commit is contained in:
David Dunham 2024-01-03 17:59:02 -08:00
parent 3f2466af44
commit 504098ed74
3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ main()
elif [ $plugin = "weather" ]; then
IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<< $(get_tmux_option "@dracula-weather-colors" "orange dark_gray")
script="#($current_dir/ $show_fahrenheit $show_location $fixed_location)"
script="#($current_dir/ $show_fahrenheit $show_location '$fixed_location')"
elif [ $plugin = "time" ]; then
IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<< $(get_tmux_option "@dracula-time-colors" "dark_purple white")

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fetch_weather_information()
# it gets the weather condition textual name (%C), and the temperature (%t)
curl -sL$fixedlocation\?format="%C+%t$display_weather"
curl -sL${fixedlocation// /%20}\?format="%C+%t$display_weather"
#get weather display

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ main()
if [ "$(expr ${TIME_LAST} + ${RUN_EACH})" -lt "${TIME_NOW}" ]; then
# Run weather script here
$current_dir/ $fahrenheit $location $fixedlocation > "${DATAFILE}"
$current_dir/ $fahrenheit $location "$fixedlocation" > "${DATAFILE}"
echo "${TIME_NOW}" > "${LAST_EXEC_FILE}"