#!/usr/bin/env bash # setting the locale, some users have issues with different locales, this forces the correct one export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 current_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" source $current_dir/utils.sh main() { # set configuration option variables show_kubernetes_context_label=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-kubernetes-context-label" "") eks_hide_arn=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-kubernetes-eks-hide-arn" false) eks_extract_account=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-kubernetes-eks-extract-account" false) hide_kubernetes_user=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-kubernetes-hide-user" false) terraform_label=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-terraform-label" "") show_fahrenheit=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-fahrenheit" true) show_location=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-location" true) fixed_location=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-fixed-location") show_powerline=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-powerline" false) show_flags=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-flags" false) show_left_icon=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-left-icon" smiley) show_left_icon_padding=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-left-icon-padding" 1) show_military=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-military-time" false) timezone=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-set-timezone" "") show_timezone=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-timezone" true) show_left_sep=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-left-sep" ) show_right_sep=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-right-sep" ) show_border_contrast=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-border-contrast" false) show_day_month=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-day-month" false) show_refresh=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-refresh-rate" 5) show_synchronize_panes_label=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-synchronize-panes-label" "Sync") time_format=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-time-format" "") show_ssh_session_port=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-ssh-session-port" false) IFS=' ' read -r -a plugins <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-plugins" "battery network weather") show_empty_plugins=$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-show-empty-plugins" true) # Kanagawa Color Pallette white='#dcd7ba' # fujiWhite gray='#2a2a37' # sumiInk4 dark_gray='#1a1a22' # sumiInk2 light_purple='#363646' # sumiInk5 dark_purple='#54546D' # sumiInk6 cyan='#6a9589' # wave aqua green='#938aa9' # springViolet1 orange='#dca561' # autumn orange red='#e46876' # wave red pink='#d27e99' # sakura pink yellow='#ff9e3b' # roninYellow # Handle left icon configuration case $show_left_icon in smiley) left_icon="☺" ;; session) left_icon="#S" ;; window) left_icon="#W" ;; hostname) left_icon="#H" ;; shortname) left_icon="#h" ;; *) left_icon=$show_left_icon ;; esac # Handle left icon padding padding="" if [ "$show_left_icon_padding" -gt "0" ]; then padding="$(printf '%*s' $show_left_icon_padding)" fi left_icon="$left_icon$padding" # Handle powerline option if $show_powerline; then right_sep="$show_right_sep" left_sep="$show_left_sep" fi # Set timezone unless hidden by configuration if [[ -z "$timezone" ]]; then case $show_timezone in false) timezone="" ;; true) timezone="#(date +%Z)" ;; esac fi case $show_flags in false) flags="" current_flags="" ;; true) flags="#{?window_flags,#[fg=${dark_purple}]#{window_flags},}" current_flags="#{?window_flags,#[fg=${light_purple}]#{window_flags},}" ;; esac # sets refresh interval to every 5 seconds tmux set-option -g status-interval $show_refresh # set the prefix + t time format if $show_military; then tmux set-option -g clock-mode-style 24 else tmux set-option -g clock-mode-style 12 fi # set length tmux set-option -g status-left-length 100 tmux set-option -g status-right-length 100 # pane border styling if $show_border_contrast; then tmux set-option -g pane-active-border-style "fg=${light_purple}" else tmux set-option -g pane-active-border-style "fg=${dark_purple}" fi tmux set-option -g pane-border-style "fg=${gray}" # message styling tmux set-option -g message-style "bg=${gray},fg=${white}" # status bar tmux set-option -g status-style "bg=${gray},fg=${white}" # Status left if $show_powerline; then tmux set-option -g status-left "#[bg=${green},fg=${dark_gray}]#{?client_prefix,#[bg=${yellow}],} ${left_icon} #[fg=${green},bg=${gray}]#{?client_prefix,#[fg=${yellow}],}${left_sep}" powerbg=${gray} else tmux set-option -g status-left "#[bg=${green},fg=${dark_gray}]#{?client_prefix,#[bg=${yellow}],} ${left_icon}" fi # Status right tmux set-option -g status-right "" for plugin in "${plugins[@]}"; do if case $plugin in custom:*) true ;; *) false ;; esac then script=${plugin#"custom:"} if [[ -x "${current_dir}/${script}" ]]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-custom-plugin-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/${script})" else colors[0]="red" colors[1]="dark_gray" script="${script} not found!" fi elif [ $plugin = "cwd" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-cwd-colors" "dark_gray white") tmux set-option -g status-right-length 250 script="#($current_dir/cwd.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "fossil" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-fossil-colors" "green dark_gray") tmux set-option -g status-right-length 250 script="#($current_dir/fossil.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "git" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-git-colors" "green dark_gray") tmux set-option -g status-right-length 250 script="#($current_dir/git.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "hg" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-hg-colors" "green dark_gray") tmux set-option -g status-right-length 250 script="#($current_dir/hg.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "battery" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-battery-colors" "pink dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/battery.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "gpu-usage" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-gpu-usage-colors" "pink dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/gpu_usage.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "gpu-ram-usage" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-gpu-ram-usage-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/gpu_ram_info.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "gpu-power-draw" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-gpu-power-draw-colors" "green dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/gpu_power.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "cpu-usage" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-cpu-usage-colors" "orange dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/cpu_info.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "ram-usage" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-ram-usage-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/ram_info.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "tmux-ram-usage" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-tmux-ram-usage-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/tmux_ram_info.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "network" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-network-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/network.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "network-bandwidth" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-network-bandwidth-colors" "cyan dark_gray") tmux set-option -g status-right-length 250 script="#($current_dir/network_bandwidth.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "network-ping" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-network-ping-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/network_ping.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "network-vpn" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-network-vpn-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/network_vpn.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "attached-clients" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-attached-clients-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/attached_clients.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "mpc" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-mpc-colors" "green dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/mpc.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "spotify-tui" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-spotify-tui-colors" "green dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/spotify-tui.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "playerctl" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-playerctl-colors" "green dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/playerctl.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "kubernetes-context" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-kubernetes-context-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/kubernetes_context.sh $eks_hide_arn $eks_extract_account $hide_kubernetes_user $show_kubernetes_context_label)" elif [ $plugin = "terraform" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-terraform-colors" "light_purple dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/terraform.sh $terraform_label)" elif [ $plugin = "continuum" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-continuum-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/continuum.sh)" elif [ $plugin = "weather" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-weather-colors" "orange dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/weather_wrapper.sh $show_fahrenheit $show_location $fixed_location)" elif [ $plugin = "time" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-time-colors" "dark_purple white") if [ -n "$time_format" ]; then script=${time_format} else if $show_day_month && $show_military; then # military time and dd/mm script="%a %d/%m %R ${timezone} " elif $show_military; then # only military time script="%a %m/%d %R ${timezone} " elif $show_day_month; then # only dd/mm script="%a %d/%m %I:%M %p ${timezone} " else script="%a %m/%d %I:%M %p ${timezone} " fi fi elif [ $plugin = "synchronize-panes" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-synchronize-panes-colors" "cyan dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/synchronize_panes.sh $show_synchronize_panes_label)" elif [ $plugin = "ssh-session" ]; then IFS=' ' read -r -a colors <<<$(get_tmux_option "@kanagawa-ssh-session-colors" "green dark_gray") script="#($current_dir/ssh_session.sh $show_ssh_session_port)" else continue fi if $show_powerline; then if $show_empty_plugins; then tmux set-option -ga status-right "#[fg=${!colors[0]},bg=${powerbg},nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]${right_sep}#[fg=${!colors[1]},bg=${!colors[0]}] $script " else tmux set-option -ga status-right "#{?#{==:$script,},,#[fg=${!colors[0]},nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]${right_sep}#[fg=${!colors[1]},bg=${!colors[0]}] $script }" fi powerbg=${!colors[0]} else if $show_empty_plugins; then tmux set-option -ga status-right "#[fg=${!colors[1]},bg=${!colors[0]}] $script " else tmux set-option -ga status-right "#{?#{==:$script,},,#[fg=${!colors[1]},bg=${!colors[0]}] $script }" fi fi done # Window option if $show_powerline; then tmux set-window-option -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=${gray},bg=${dark_purple}]${left_sep}#[fg=${white},bg=${dark_purple}] #I #W${current_flags} #[fg=${dark_purple},bg=${gray}]${left_sep}" else tmux set-window-option -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=${white},bg=${dark_purple}] #I #W${current_flags} " fi tmux set-window-option -g window-status-format "#[fg=${white}]#[bg=${gray}] #I #W${flags}" tmux set-window-option -g window-status-activity-style "bold" tmux set-window-option -g window-status-bell-style "bold" } # run main function main