#!/usr/bin/env bash get_tmux_option() { local option=$1 local default_value=$2 local option_value=$(tmux show-option -gqv "$option") if [ -z "$option_value" ]; then echo $default_value else echo $option_value fi } get_tmux_window_option() { local option=$1 local default_value=$2 local option_value=$(tmux show-window-options -v "$option") if [ -z "$option_value" ]; then echo $default_value else echo $option_value fi } # normalize the percentage string to always have a length of 5 normalize_percent_len() { # the max length that the percent can reach, which happens for a two digit number with a decimal house: "99.9%" max_len=5 percent_len=${#1} let diff_len=$max_len-$percent_len # if the diff_len is even, left will have 1 more space than right let left_spaces=($diff_len+1)/2 let right_spaces=($diff_len)/2 printf "%${left_spaces}s%s%${right_spaces}s\n" "" $1 "" }