#!/usr/bin/env bash # setting the locale, some users have issues with different locales, this forces the correct one export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 current_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source $current_dir/utils.sh linux_acpi() { arg=$1 BAT=$(ls -d /sys/class/power_supply/BAT* | head -1) if [ ! -x "$(which acpi 2> /dev/null)" ];then case "$arg" in status) cat $BAT/status ;; percent) cat $BAT/capacity ;; *) ;; esac else case "$arg" in status) acpi | cut -d: -f2- | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ' ;; percent) acpi | cut -d: -f2- | cut -d, -f2 | tr -d '% ' ;; *) ;; esac fi } battery_percent() { # Check OS case $(uname -s) in Linux) percent=$(linux_acpi percent) [ -n "$percent" ] && echo " $percent" ;; Darwin) echo $(pmset -g batt | grep -Eo '[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]%') ;; FreeBSD) echo $(apm | sed '8,11d' | grep life | awk '{print $4}') ;; CYGWIN*|MINGW32*|MSYS*|MINGW*) # leaving empty - TODO - windows compatability ;; *) ;; esac } battery_status() { # Check OS case $(uname -s) in Linux) status=$(linux_acpi status) ;; Darwin) status=$(pmset -g batt | sed -n 2p | cut -d ';' -f 2 | tr -d " ") ;; FreeBSD) status=$(apm | sed '8,11d' | grep Status | awk '{printf $3}') ;; CYGWIN*|MINGW32*|MSYS*|MINGW*) # leaving empty - TODO - windows compatability ;; *) ;; esac case $status in discharging|Discharging) echo '' ;; high) echo '' ;; charging) echo 'AC' ;; *) echo 'AC' ;; esac ### Old if statements didn't work on BSD, they're probably not POSIX compliant, not sure # if [ $status = 'discharging' ] || [ $status = 'Discharging' ]; then # echo '' # # elif [ $status = 'charging' ]; then # This is needed for FreeBSD AC checking support # # echo 'AC' # else # echo 'AC' # fi } main() { bat_label=$(get_tmux_option "@dracula-battery-label" "♥") bat_stat=$(battery_status) bat_perc=$(battery_percent) if [ -z "$bat_stat" ]; then # Test if status is empty or not echo "$bat_label $bat_perc" elif [ -z "$bat_perc" ]; then # In case it is a desktop with no battery percent, only AC power echo "$bat_label $bat_stat" else echo "$bat_label $bat_stat $bat_perc" fi } #run main driver program main