# Kanagawa for [tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki) [Kanagawa](https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim/tree/master) theme for TMUX with silent colors. Forked from [dracula/tmux](https://github.com/dracula/tmux). ![Screenshot](./screenshot.png) ## Install All instructions can be found at [draculatheme.com/tmux](https://draculatheme.com/tmux). Just replace all `dracula` occurrences with `kanagawa`. ## Configuration Configuration and options can be found at [draculatheme.com/tmux](https://draculatheme.com/tmux). Just replace all `dracula` occurrences with `kanagawa`. ## Features - Support for powerline - Day, date, time, timezone - Current location based on network with temperature and forecast icon (if available) - Network connection status, bandwidth and SSID - SSH session user, hostname and port of active tmux pane - Git branch and status - Battery percentage and AC power connection status - Refresh rate control - CPU usage (percentage or load average) - RAM usage (system and/or tmux server) - GPU usage - Custom status texts from external scripts - GPU VRAM usage - GPU power draw - Color code based on whether a prefix is active or not - List of windows with the current window highlighted - When prefix is enabled, a smiley face turns from green to yellow - When charging, 'AC' is displayed - If forecast information is available, a ☀, ☁, ☂, or ❄ unicode character corresponding with the forecast is displayed alongside the temperature - Info if the Panes are synchronized - Spotify playback (needs the tool spotify-tui installed) - Music Player Daemon status (needs the tool mpc installed) - Playerctl, get current track metadata - Current kubernetes context - Countdown to tmux-continuum save - Current working directory of tmux pane ## Compatibility Compatible with macOS and Linux. Tested on tmux 3.1b FreeBSD compatibility is in development ## License [MIT License](./LICENSE)