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### [tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki)
#### Install using [tpm](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm)
If you are a tpm user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by adding the following to your .tmux.conf file:
set -g @plugin 'dracula/tmux'
Add any configuration options below this line in your tmux config.
#### Install with [Nix](https://nixos.org)
If you're using [home-manager](https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager), an example config would look similar to this:
Then run `home-manager switch`, the `Activating theme` section doesn't apply here.
programs.tmux = {
enable = true;
clock24 = true;
plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [
plugin = dracula;
extraConfig = ''
set -g @dracula-show-battery false
set -g @dracula-show-powerline true
set -g @dracula-refresh-rate 10
extraConfig = ''
set -g mouse on
#### Activating theme
1. Make sure `run -b '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'` is at the bottom of your .tmux.conf
2. Run tmux
3. Use the tpm install command: `prefix + I` (default prefix is ctrl+b)
#### Configuration
To enable plugins set up the `@dracula-plugins` option in you `.tmux.conf` file, separate plugin by space.
The order that you define the plugins will be the order on the status bar left to right.
# available plugins: battery, cpu-usage, git, gpu-usage, ram-usage, tmux-ram-usage, network, network-bandwidth, network-ping, ssh-session, attached-clients, network-vpn, weather, time, spotify-tui, kubernetes-context, synchronize-panes
set -g @dracula-plugins "cpu-usage gpu-usage ram-usage"
For each plugin is possible to customize background and foreground colors
# available colors: white, gray, dark_gray, light_purple, dark_purple, cyan, green, orange, red, pink, yellow
# set -g @dracula-[plugin-name]-colors "[background] [foreground]"
set -g @dracula-cpu-usage-colors "pink dark_gray"
#### Status bar options
Enable powerline symbols
set -g @dracula-show-powerline true
Switch powerline symbols
# for left
set -g @dracula-show-left-sep
# for right symbol (can set any symbol you like as seperator)
set -g @dracula-show-right-sep
Enable window flags
set -g @dracula-show-flags true
Adjust the refresh rate for the status bar
# the default is 5, it can accept any number
set -g @dracula-refresh-rate 5
Switch the left smiley icon
# it can accept `session`, `smiley`, `window`, or any character.
set -g @dracula-show-left-icon session
Add padding to the left smiley icon
# default is 1, it can accept any number and 0 disables padding.
set -g @dracula-left-icon-padding 1
Enable high contrast pane border
set -g @dracula-border-contrast true
Hide empty plugins
set -g @dracula-show-empty-plugins false
#### cpu-usage options
Customize label
set -g @dracula-cpu-usage-label "CPU"
Show system load average instead of CPU usage percentage (default)
set -g @dracula-cpu-display-load true
CPU usage percentage (default) - in percentage (output: %)
Load average – is the average system load calculated over a given period of time of 1, 5 and 15 minutes (output: x.x x.x x.x)
#### battery options
Customize label
set -g @dracula-battery-label "Battery"
#### gpu-usage options
Note, currently only the Linux NVIDIA Proprietary drivers are supported. Nouveau and AMD Graphics Cards support are still under development.
Customize label
set -g @dracula-gpu-usage-label "GPU"
#### ram-usage options
Customize label
set -g @dracula-ram-usage-label "RAM"
#### tmux-ram-usage options
Customize label
set -g @dracula-tmux-ram-usage-label "MEM"
#### network-bandwidth
You can configure which network interface you want to view the bandwidth,
Displaying of the interface name, The interval between each bandwidth update.
The most common interfaces name are `eth0` for a wired connection and `wlan0` for a wireless connection.
set -g @dracula-network-bandwidth eth0
set -g @dracula-network-bandwidth-interval 0
set -g @dracula-network-bandwidth-show-interface true
#### network-ping options
You can configure which server (hostname, IP) you want to ping and at which rate (in seconds). Default is google.com at every 5 seconds.
set -g @dracula-ping-server "google.com"
set -g @dracula-ping-rate 5
### ssh-session options
Show SSH session port
set -g @dracula-show-ssh-session-port true
#### time options
Disable timezone
set -g @dracula-show-timezone false
Swap date to day/month
set -g @dracula-day-month true
Enable military time
set -g @dracula-military-time true
Set custom time format e.g (2023-01-01 14:00)
set -g @dracula-time-format "%F %R"
See [[this page]](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/date.1.html) for other format symbols.
#### git options
Hide details of git changes
set -g @dracula-git-disable-status true
Set symbol to use for when branch is up to date with HEAD
# default is ✓. Avoid using non unicode characters that bash uses like $, * and !
set -g @dracula-git-show-current-symbol ✓
Set symbol to use for when branch diverges from HEAD
# default is unicode !. Avoid bash special characters
set -g @dracula-git-show-diff-symbol !
Set symbol or message to use when the current pane has no git repo
# default is unicode no message
set -g @dracula-git-no-repo-message ""
Hide untracked files from being displayed as local changes
# default is false
set -g @dracula-git-no-untracked-files true
Show remote tracking branch together with diverge/sync state
# default is false
set -g @dracula-git-show-remote-status true
#### hg options
Hide details of hg changes
set -g @dracula-hg-disable-status true
Set symbol to use for when branch is up to date with HEAD
#default is ✓.Avoid using non unicode characters that bash uses like $, * and !
set -g @dracula-hg-show-current-symbol ✓
Set symbol to use for when branch diverges from HEAD
#default is unicode !.Avoid bash special characters
set -g @dracula-hg-show-diff-symbol !
Set symbol or message to use when the current pane has no hg repo
#default is unicode no message
set -g @dracula-hg-no-repo-message ""
Hide untracked files from being displayed as local changes
#default is false
set -g @dracula-hg-no-untracked-files false
#### weather options
Switch from default fahrenheit to celsius
set -g @dracula-show-fahrenheit false
Set your location manually
set -g @dracula-fixed-location "Some City"
Hide your location
set -g @dracula-show-location false
#### synchronize-panes options
Customize label
set -g @dracula-synchronize-panes-label "Sync"
#### attached-clients options
Set the minimum number of clients to show (otherwise, show nothing)
set -g @dracula-clients-minimum 1
Set the label when there is one client, or more than one client
set -g @dracula-clients-singular client
set -g @dracula-clients-plural clients
#### Kubernetes options
Add prefix label before the context
set -g @dracula-kubernetes-context-label "Some Label"
Hide user from the context string
set -g @dracula-kubernetes-hide-user true
Hide ARN (show only cluster name) - Available for EKS only (only available for cluster names that are ARNs)
set -g @dracula-kubernetes-eks-hide-arn true
Extract the account as a prefix to the cluster name - Available for EKS only (only available for cluster names that are ARNs)
set -g @dracula-kubernetes-eks-extract-account true
#### continuum options
Set the output mode. Options are:
- **countdown**: Show a T- countdown to the next save (default)
- **time**: Show the time since the last save
- **alert**: Hide output if no save has been performed recently
- **interval**: Show the continuum save interval
set -g @dracula-continuum-mode countdown
Show if the last save was performed less than 60 seconds ago (default threshold is 15 seconds)
set -g @dracula-continuum-time-threshold 60